Netflix Movie Search

We are a searchable database of Netflix movies.

Student at IIT Roorkee

How to Get the Most of Your Subscription to Netflix

Want to enjoy your Netflix experience even more? Here are some tips:1. Give the Shows You’ve Watched a RatingNow, the process for rating the shows you’ve watched is made simpler with the thumbs up and thumbs down buttons. With this simple step, you can further enhance Netflix’s algorithm to get a more tailored viewing experience.2. Let Netflix ‘Play Something’ NewIf you’re not in the mood to manually search titles, just click the ‘Play Something’ feature and that will prompt Netflix to play a title you’ve never watched before3. Choose How Netflix Displays SubtitlesWith the Subtitle Appearance menu, you can make your preferred adjustments on how Netflix will display the subtitles and closed captions. Here you can adjust the font, size shadows, as well as background color.4. Let Go of Other Users Sharing Your AccountDo you have your account all to yourself or you’re sharing this with family and friends? It’s possible that the people you’ve shared it with have also shared it with others and all these can interfere with your algorithm. It’s best to review all signed-in devices, sign out the ones you don’t trust, and change your password. 5. Use Actor and Director Names to SearchAside from keywords from the title, you can find content by typing in the names of actors and directors. Netflix will then display the most relevant content. You can also search titles using where you can see a full Netflix movie list.  

How to Determine the Streaming Service for You

Not all streaming services are built the same. That’s why it’s important to carefully consider which one to sign up for. Here are some tips:1. Evaluate Your Consumption of Digital ContentDo you tend to finish an entire series in a day? Or are you the type who likes to watch a few episodes per day, with movies in between? By assessing your current patterns, you’ll be able to narrow down your options.2. Will You Be Sharing Your Subscription?Do you also want your sibling or parents to have their own profiles under your account? Then you need to find a streaming service that lets everyone customize their own viewing experience.3. Further Narrow Down Your OptionsTry making a list of the features you expect your service to have and see which provider best matches your expectations.4. Know How Much You’ll Have to PayGetting a membership means agreeing to making monthly payments to sustain your use of the service. Know which service offers the membership tier that’s just right for you.5. Double Check the Availability of ShowsAt the end of the day, it all boils down to the available content. Make sure you’ve scanned the library and you’re sure that the service offers the shows you want.Want to view a Netflix movie list? Click here to see what’s available. 

How to Plan Date Night

If you’re in a relationship, then it’s important to keep things interesting. One way of doing that is to keep planning dates, even if you’ve been together for a long time. A date night is the best way to connect more deeply with your partner and ensure a smooth and happy relationship. Wondering how to plan an unforgettable date night? Follow the three steps below.1 - Pick the EntertainmentEntertainment is perhaps the most important part of date night. Whether this involves games, cooking, or getting through your favorite Netflix movies, it needs to be carefully considered and planned. If you’re looking specifically for Netflix movie inspiration, then find it by visiting this website.2 - Cut Out DistractionsThis is your chance to connect with your partner so you need to shut off the outside world. Turn off your phone, switch the internet off, and create a safe space where you can be together. This will help you tune into the present moment and really enjoy each other’s company.3 - Schedule it inFinally, consider making this a regular event. Whether it occurs twice a week or once a month, make date night happen more often. This will compound the benefit you get from it, further strengthening your relationship.