Chad Richards Chad Richards

Thinking about starting your cannabis garden? Whether or not you have a green thumb, you can be successful with knowledge, dedication, and ample preparation. Follow these tips to help you get started.

Select the Best Location for Your Crops to Grow

One of the first and most important decisions you’ll make when starting your cannabis garden is whether to place it indoors or outdoors. Both options have their own sets of advantages and disadvantages, and your choice will come down to personal preference, privacy needs, and climate situation. Cannabis planted outside and directly on the soil will usually grow healthier and larger, but there are factors to consider, such as your soil composition, weather, and other plants nearby, that could affect cannabis growth. If you want to keep your cannabis garden discreet, keeping it inside might be the simpler option, but you’ll have to be prepared for paying more in electricity to supplement your plants’ lighting needs.

Concentrate on One Strain

If it’s your first time growing cannabis at home, working on multiple strains can be overwhelming. Every type of marijuana plant has to be cared for differently, and you’ll have more chances to be successful if you focus on mastering one strain at a time.

Moreover, not all cannabis plants produce the same effects. For example, Sativa strains can help you feel more energetic, while Indica strains can make you feel sleepy. Ask yourself what you are aiming to gain and choose a plant based on your health needs.

Take Proper Care of the Seeds

Cannabis plants are usually tough, but as seeds, they can be quite vulnerable, which is why most experts suggest keeping them indoors. After successful germination, protect the seeds and prevent overwatering. A good rule of thumb is to water your plant until the soil is sufficiently soaked, then abstain from watering until the soil is dry. Make sure that your pots are properly draining to prevent the roots from rotting.

Decide Which is the Best Seed to Get

Not all cannabis seeds are created equal. Some are meant to have more THC, the psychoactive component found in marijuana. Some were bred specifically to produce more CBD or cannabidiol, the compound that gives cannabis its medicinal properties. If you’re suffering from chronic pain, sleep deprivation, anxiety, and other illnesses, consider buying CBD cannabis seeds from to harvest purely medical marijuana.

Chad Richards

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Chad Richards